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Best of Toledo | Toledo Dentist News - Part 2

Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Best of Toledo

  1. Dental health is an important topic for parents to consider when it comes to their children. Taking care of a child’s oral health can start even before they have their first tooth. It’s important to introduce healthy habits early on to ensure that children have strong, healthy teeth and gums and a lifetime of healthy smiles.

    First and foremost, it’s important to schedule regular dental visits for your child. These visits should start when the first tooth appears and continue throughout their life. During the visits, the dentist will be able to provide advice on oral care, assess the condition of the teeth and gums, and offer preventive treatments such as fluoride applications. Frankel Dentistry offers look and learn appointments to help your child acclimate to the dental office environment while also ensuring their oral health is on the right track.

    At home, parents should help their children develop good brushing habits. Ideally, children should brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride-containing toothpaste. Parents should help children aged two and under brush their teeth, and should supervise brushing for children up to the age of six.

    In addition to brushing, children should also floss their teeth every day. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from in between teeth, which helps prevent the buildup of cavities and gum disease. It’s important to teach children the proper way to floss, as incorrect technique can do more harm than good.

    Finally, it’s important to limit the amount of sugary snacks and drinks that children consume. Sugary foods and drinks can increase the risk of cavities, so it’s best to limit their intake. Replace sugary snacks with healthy alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, and plain yogurt.

    By following these tips, parents can help ensure that their children have healthy teeth and gums for life. Let’s summarize! Regular visits to the dentist, good brushing habits, flossing, and limiting sugary snacks and drinks are all important components of a good dental health routine.

  2. Wearing down your smile by grinding your teeth throughout the night? Unbearable migraines as a result from uncontrollable clenching?
    Our Maumee office, Frankel and Puhl Dentistry could have a solution for you! Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS is now administering Botox to help treat TMJ and bruxism.

    Not sure what TMJ is? Let us break it down for you.

    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. TMJ disorders, a type of temporomandibular disorder or TMD, can cause pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. Over 80% of patients suffer from some sort of TMJ disorder.
    Woman suffering from jaw pain and aches from TMJ.

    What causes TMJ?

    TMJ can be the result of a number of factors. Arthritis, jaw injury, teeth clenching and/or grinding all contribute to TMJ development. During early signs of teeth grinding and clenching we recommend visiting your dentist regarding night guards to protect your enamel and your jaw.

    Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:

    • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
    • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
    • Aching pain in and around your ear
    • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
    • Aching facial pain
    • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
    Dr. Puhl and Dr. Frankel smiling

    Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS and Dr. Jon Frankel, DDS

    Botox Can Help!

    You have undoubtedly heard of Botox injections used to enhance lips, cheeks, or to smooth out wrinkles across the forehead or around the eyes. But you may not be familiar with Botox treatment for TMJ. When the Botox is injected into the temporalis and masseter muscles, it limits muscle function and relieves facial pain, headaches, and swelling associated with TMJ.

    Always Better! Frankel and Puhl Dentistry is adding Botox as a treatment option for patients who suffer from TMJ disorders. Continuing to learn and grow to best serve our patients is very important to us. After training and continued education with the American Academy of Facial Esthetics,  our very own Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS will be offering botox treatment!

    Struggling with tension headaches and jaw pain from TMJ? Botox could be your answer. Visit us online or call today to schedule an appointment.

  3. There is nothing like working in a field you love with people you love.

    “The team at Frankel Dentistry is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The front staff are warm, kind make you feel welcome immediately. My dental team from assistant to doctor was knowledgeable and compassionate. I know I am in great hands when I am with Frankel. Always making sure I feel safe and understand treatment and upcoming dental work. Smiles throughout the entire appointment. These are professionals who you can really tell, love what they do.” -Juliana Mayberry

    Dental hygienist smiling Dental hygienist enjoy their patients

    The truth is, we love our careers and we love our workplace. Everyday we come together with individuals who are devoted to serving others, passionate about excellent patient care, and are simply hard workers. We are fortunate enough to have built a team where everyone is willing to go above and beyond for the next. Working in healthcare allows us to touch the lives of hundreds of patients and truly make a difference. We’ve said it hundreds of times but… a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. Practicing a strong oral health care routine and caring for your mouth can help spread infection and prevent gum disease, tooth loss, diabetes and heart disease. We are grateful to serve others and make a difference through healthcare and excellent patient care.

    Frankel Dentistry Frankel Dentistry careers Best place to work

    We love Monday’s!

    Creating a workplace our employees love is very important to us. We celebrate all the big and small joys in life. We come together for quarterly events, annual celebrations, and daily gratitude’s, so show appreciate for one another and our growth as not only a dental team but a dental family. Frankel Dentistry is always hiring. We are always looking for friendly, diligent professionals to join our team. Whether you are looking for a clinical or clerical position please submit your resume and application online at jonfrankeldentistry.com.

    Frankel Dentistry family photos.

    We hired a professional photographer to take family photos for team members and their children.

    Dental team celebrationBest Place to Work Best dental team Best dental office Toledo Dental office Toledo Dental team

    Toledo and Maumee teams come together for our favorite bonding event at Majestic Oak Winery in Whitehouse, Oh.

    Dr. Frankel team Dr. Frankel team and family celebration Dental team Best dental practice to work

    Team bonding with the Toledo Walleye!

    group photo of Toledo dental Maumee Dental celebrating best of toledo

    Voted Best of Toledo for over 10 years in a row!

  4. The holiday season is full of celebrations! In true Frankel fashion, we can always find a reason to express gratitude and celebrate our wins. This holiday season we are celebrating another year of growth, ownership mindsets, and the opportunity to love the ones we work with! On November 4th, we celebrated with all our Ohio team members at the Renaissance Hotel in Downtown Toledo. With over 200 guests, our holiday gathering transpired into quite the party!  Drs. Frankel and Puhl opened our night highlighting peaks in our year past, acknowledging our employees whose dedication should never go unnoticed and introducing our newest partners Foundation Dental and Firestone Dentistry.

    This was an incredible opportunity to get to know our new team members from Akron and Canton. We spent the evening enjoying dinner, drinks, photo booths, gifts, and dancing!  Gratitude always, we gifted our team’s new Frankel Dentistry swag from our favorite Toledo local vendor, JUPMODE as a thank you for their kindness and dedication to their team members. Kurt Nielsen provided not one but two photo booths! He now offers a mobile photo booth with custom photo frames! These are photos we can look back on and remember the beginning days of our journey as an ESOP. 

    There truly is something special about loving your workplace and loving the ones you work with. We couldn’t be more grateful to serve our NW Ohio community with teams who are so passionate and dedicated to excellent patient care. We can’t thank Dr. Frankel and Dr. Puhl enough for gifting us their company. Grateful to serve with you. Looking forward to another year of growth and Changing Lives a Smile at a Time!

    Check out our event captured by Wildeyes Videography!




  5. September is here! Can you believe how fast the 2022 year has gone by? As we start to enter the fall season, we want to remind you to not only visit the dentist to ensure optimal oral health but to continue to work on your self-improvement. September is Self Improvement month and it’s the perfect time to revisit your personal goals and take steps to be who you aspire to be! 


    This month, all our Frankel Dentistry team members are sharing their personal goals for the year! #AlwaysBetter! We are excited to get a jump start on positive, healthy habits that will help us create the lives we want to live! Here are just a few to help inspire you!

    A member of our finance team, Jerica, just purchased a home and has prioritized remodeling the space into something she adores!

    Brilliant and career driven, our new doctor Dr. Dhaliwal, hopes to become implant certified to allow her to change the lives of even more patients!

    Smiles in the front hope to start helping smiles in the back! Our front desk extraordinaire, Yasmeen, is taking steps to become a dental assistant and become part of our clinical team! 

    Happy and Healthy! It seems as though prioritizing and devising a healthcare plan is our most common goal. Dozens of us like Lisa, Megan, Hava, Dr. Frankel, Ashley, Brittany, and more are workin’ on their fitness!

    Little actions lead to big actions! Your self improvement goal can be big or small. Alexa wants to keep her car clean, Joellen wants to stop biting her nails, and Kylee wants to drink more water!


    With an #AlwaysBetter attitude, our Frankel Dentistry team is excited to work towards bettering ourselves to help better others! Little actions, little words, a little bit of love and encouragement are all things that combine to achieve a greater goal!


    What are some of your personal goals for September or even for the rest of the year?

    Four best girl friends smiling and laughing together beautiful teeth happy healthy smiles

    Jerica, Brittany, Elena, and Tara

  6. Back to school season is finally here! Frankel Dentistry wants to help your little ones start the year with a healthy, happy smile. Taking care of your smile goes beyond just cleaning your teeth and regular dental visits, it’s important to watch what you’re putting into your body! 

    Here are some healthy back to school snacks to help promote dental health!

    • Apples, Celery, and Carrots! Did you know crunchy fruit and vegetables can help clean your teeth by removing plaque from the enamel? Not only do they clean your teeth but also provide you with vitamins and minerals to support your body.

              Some of our favorite classic snacks include apple slices or celery with peanut butter. Carrots and other crunchy vegetables always pair great with hummus.

    • Milk, cheese, and yogurt. Dairy products are a great source of calcium, which helps repair enamel and strengthen bones which support your teeth. Cheese and yogurt are also rich in vitamin D and phosphate which create lower acid levels and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
    • Nuts and seeds! Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds and more are a great source of healthy fats, vitamin D, folic acid and not to mention one of the best sources of protein. 
    • Thinking about what to drink? Water.

              Encourage your little ones to drink more water daily! Water helps hydrate your organs and muscle, balance pH levels in the mouth, and increase saliva production which means less tooth decay and stronger tooth enamel.


  7. July is filled with dozens of reasons to smile. This month we smile because Frankel Dentistry is welcoming a new doctor. We are overjoyed to present Dr. Erin Waples D.D.S!

    Erin Waples, DDS.

    An Ohio native and former Ohio State Buckeye! Dr. Waples was born and raised in the small village of Mogadore in Northeastern Ohio. She grew up loving soccer, track, and the great outdoors, spending dozens of weekends camping and hiking with her family. 

    She attended the University of Akron where she studied Biomedical Engineering. She knew she wanted a fulfilling, impactful career while still being able to maintain a work life balance. Post graduation she began shadowing different career fields and discovered her passion for dentistry. “There is something so special about working with your hands, touching the lives of patients, and creating long lasting relationships and friendships.” 

    A young Erin Waples pursued her dental degree at THE Ohio State University. She spent her time in Columbus playing intramural soccer, attending Buckeye games with friends, and serving the community through the Delta Sigma Delta organization.

    Dr. Waples is special to us because she is special to someone here! While at THE Ohio State University she met her fiance, fellow Frankel and Puhl dentist, Dr. Westmeyer. Dr. Westmeyer is also an OSU alumni and has been a part of our Maumee team since 2019. These two are avid adventurers! They enjoy camping, hiking, snow sports, and exploring national parks and new destinations! In October 2021 Dr. Westmeyer popped the question and now they patiently plan and await their big day. In the meantime these two are thrilled and grateful to serve the NWO community through their passions. 

    Frankel Dentistry is thrilled to have Dr. Waples a part our team. We cannot wait to Change Lives a Smile at a Time with her.

  8. How often do you feel oral pain after enjoying a bite of your summer sundae on a nice July night? Or struggle to enjoy a nice hot cup of soup? You could be struggling with tooth sensitivity. 

    What is tooth sensitivity?

    Tooth sensitivity is pain or discomfort as a response to hot and cold stimuli. This can be anything from hot foods to cold air.

    What causes tooth sensitivity?

    Let’s look at the anatomy of a tooth. The strong outer layer of a tooth is called enamel. The more enamel is worn down the more sensitive the tooth becomes. 

    There are many factors which could contribute to tooth sensitivity such as:

    -brushing too hard

    -Acidic foods

    -Teeth grinding

    -Tooth decay

    -Gastrointestinal issues such as GERD

    How to care for sensitive teeth?

    First and foremost visit a dentist for a full exam. A cleaning and professional exam can help detect any deeper issues which could be causing your sensitivity or any other oral health concerns. Your dentist may recommend fluoride treatments to help protect and rebuild your enamel. They may also recommend alcohol- free mouthwash and a toothpaste specialized for sensitive teeth. Specialized products often have desensitizing ingredients to help block discomfort and limited irritating ingredients. 

    Maintaining a strong, consistent oral health care routine at home can do wonders for your oral health. Invest in products which can help rebuild and protect enamel. Practice a healthy diet and try limiting acidic foods. Frankel Dentistry wants to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health care. Visit us on our other online platforms to learn more about your oral health.

    Facebook: Frankel Dentistry 

    Instagram: Frankel Dentistry

    Linkedin: Frankel Dentistry

  9. June is Men’s Health Awareness Month and Frankel Dentistry is spreading awareness and encouraging healthy habits. Did you know over 350,000 men die every year from heart disease? And only 3 out 5 have regular physicals. Believe it or not, your oral health is connected to your health! This is why we always say a Healthy Mouth Promotes a Healthy Body! Oral health is often overlooked but did you know there are currently 3.6 billion individuals struggling with oral diseases? 

    Father and Son smiling and laughing. Baby is waving. Healthy, bright smile. University of Toledo representative. University of Toledo gear.

    Your mouth is typically a good indicator of your overall well-being. Individuals with periodontal disease have the same risk factors as those with heart disease. Diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and Alzthemiers can all be connected to oral health. Frankel Dentistry wants to see you live a healthy, happy life with smiles to share for years to come. How can you make sure you’re practicing a healthy lifestyle?

    Here are some heart healthy habits to help encourage a healthy lifestyle!

    1. A healthy diet.

    Limit your fat and sodium consumption! Highly fat foods are known to increase your risk of heart disease or stroke. This is because fatty foods increase cholesterol which lead to high blood pressure, build up in the blood, clogged arteries, and more. 

    A heart healthy diet includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and limit processed foods. 

    1. Exercise!

    30 minutes a few days a week is all you need! Cardio exercises such as walking, running, cycling, or exercise classes all help strengthen your heart. Find a form of exercise you love and will look forward to! 


    As you know a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! Studies have shown bacteria in the mouth creates plaque which can move into the bloodstream and increase your risk for diabetes, stroke, and more. Remember to brush twice a day for at least two minutes, floss regularly, and schedule your recare appointments! 

    1. Quality rest.

    Quality sleep is essential to your health and well-being. Sleep allows your heart to rest as well as improve blood pressure and heart rate. We recommend a 7-8 hours of quality rest a night.

    er wearing small business owned merchandise. Toledo family. Toledo Father
  10. On May 31st we celebrated National Smile Day! As a dental practice we love any reason to share smiles. One of our Core Values is gratitude, so needless to say it’s easy for us to find reasons for us to smile. Our patients make us smile, our teams make us smile, our careers make us smile. Sharing a smile with someone can mean more than you know!

    In order to express our gratitude for the ones who make us smile, we gifted glass mugs to our patients on Friday to show our appreciation!

    As we celebrated National Smile Day a patient mentioned how smiling wasn’t always the norm, in fact it was “frowned upon”. We decided to do our research!

    In early 1600s portraits you often see individuals emotionless and lacking a positive expression. This is because people suffer tooth rot and decay from poor diet and high sugars. As dentistry developed the smile slowly became more popular. In the early 1700’s French began to show their teeth in portraits, this was quickly rejected by priests and reformists insisting smiling and laughter showed lack of self control or good manners. In the 1800s dentistry emerged, as dentistry developed so did an attitude of authenticity. By the 1950’s smiling in portraits became the norm and has developed into the smile we love to share today!

    Gratitude, encouragement, and TECHNOLOGY!

    A look and learn with NEW tech!

    Tired of those sticky, gunky impressions? So are we!

    Frankel Dentistry is excited to introduce the latest technological addition to our practice THE Itero Scanner an intraoral scanner which captures 6000 digital images in under a minute. This means we can have a full digital mold of your mouth in minutes. Popular for restorative  and orthodontic dentistry, the Itero helps us quickly and accurately identify your clinical needs, intracaries, crowns, veneers, and develop an action plan.