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Dental Cleanings | Toledo Dentist News - Part 2

Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Dental Cleanings

  1. Toledo dentist, Dr. Jon Frankel wants to keep his dental family smiling. Since 1946 Frankel Dentistry has served the Toledo, Ohio area through dentistry with an always better approach.

    Six month check ups and cleanings have been the standard. Dentistry has embraced technology and things have changed over the years. Dental implants, same day crowns and teeth whitening were not common 63 years ago. The interval between dental visits has changed as well.





    Toledo, Ohio is blessed with notable seasonal changes. The new protocol for patients over 65 years of age is every 3 months. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall can  be helpful reminders to schedule dental visits.

    Changes in dental health can occur quickly in seniors. Dry mouth is a common ailment and is associated with decay and gum disease. As Frankel Dental patients know a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Some illnesses are first seen with subtle changes in the mouth. Oral cancer screenings are essential to early detection.

    Sixty may be the new forty but dental professionals know for patients over 65 three months is the new six months.

    For more information on dental preventative visits or any dental questions, call your dentist. If you are in the Toledo, Ohio area schedule a complimentary visit with Frankel Dentistry in Toledo or Maumee.


  2. Warm Smiles Inside

    Cleanings – Make this First on your 2018 List 


    It’s the new year! Happy 2018! Is getting a dental hygiene cleaning on your list of resolutions? Why do people procrastinate on scheduling cleanings? Cleanings are one of the best things you can do to stay healthy! If you have dental insurance benefits, most policies cover your hygiene cleanings  — so it’s time for you to get your teeth cleaned! Prevention is less expensive than extensive dental work.

    Frankel Dentistry sees patients every 3, 4, or 6 months. Patients may start at four visits per year and graduate to twice a year. Folks with health complications such as diabetes find more frequent visits very helpful. Some patients keep their smile in-check by maintaining their 3 month re-care, others do well visiting twice a year.


    Here are a few of the Benefits of Getting Routine Hygiene Cleanings:

    1) Professional cleanings remove plaque and calicified build-up.

    2) Less plaque =  less cavities

    3) Less plaque = lower risk of gum disease

    4) Regular cleanings help lower your risk of some diseases such as heart disease – early signs of these diseases can be detected in your mouth.

    5) Less plaque = lower risk for needing extensive dental treatment such as a root canal, filling or crown, which saves you money

    6) Frequent visits include instructions to keep your at-home cleanings fine tuned.

    It’s still important to take care of your mouth at home and maintain strong oral health habits. Schedule a professional cleaning and oral exam.  If you would like Frankel Dentistry’s Insurance Benefit Coordinator will check with your insurance to see what is covered.

    Put your health first this year and make the appointment!