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Toledo Dentist in the News! Toledo City Paper | Toledo Dentist News

Jon Frankel Dentistry


Jonathan Frankel, D.D.S.
Frankel Dentistry

5012 Talmadge Rd. | 419-474-9611
4358 Keystone Dr. | Maumee
419-893-0221 | jonfrankeldentistry.com


What’s your philosophy for practicing medicine/healing?
I continue to build on the foundation set by my father, Sheldon Frankel by setting the standard for dental care.
How did you select your specialty?
My father, uncle and cousins are general dentists. It may be genetic. I love what I do.
What medical advancement have made, or will make, the biggest impact in your field?
There are so many in the 71 years Frankel Dentistry has been caring for Toledo area patients. I think same day dental crowns, dental implants and porcelain veneers are incredible advances in dentistry.
What do you wish your patients would do differently?
Brush and floss twice daily and come for regular dental visits. Then we can take care of small issues before they become big problems. Also, call in advance to reschedule.
When you’re the patient, what’s the most important thing you look for in another health care provider?
I need a time-conscious provider. My patients don’t wait. I respect their time.
What summer fruits and vegetables are you most excited for?
Great question, I eat apples year round but I enjoy grapes in the summer. My Dad used to grow grapes.
How do you deal with stress?
I work out and practice yoga.
Never, ever… Skip a dental appointment. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body.
Laughter is medicine. What’s your favorite health care provider joke?
It is an old standard but my Dad used to say, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.”
What’s the most rewarding thing you’ve ever heard from a patient?
I often hear a patient say they wish they had completed their treatment sooner or they can smile for the first time. It just doesn’t get better than that.
The world would be a better place if…
We treated each other like family.
What life lesson did you learn from your parents?
Never boast or complain. Do your best.
No matter how hard I try, I just can’t get the knack of…
Car repair.
When do you feel invincible?
When I have the love of my family.

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Frankel Dentistry in Toledo Frankel Dentistry in Maumee

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