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Scared of all the Candy? Don’t be Toledo, Ohio Dentist will keep you Safe! | Toledo Dentist News

Jon Frankel Dentistry


Ohio Dentist makes Halloween Sweet


TOLEDO, OHIO – Why do vampires brush and floss their teeth so often? So they don’t have bat breath.


We all know that children may receive money from the tooth fairy, but did you know that children can trade in their Halloween candy for cash? Frankel Dentistry is pleased to be offering their annual Halloween Candy buyback to the Toledo community. Trick-or-treaters can bring their excess candy to Frankel Dentistry’s Talmadge Road and Keystone Drive locations and receive $1.00 per pound.


Candy, candy everywhere, what’s a parent to do? Halloween is a fun holiday for children to dress up in costumes and participate in trick-or-treating, but sometimes they return with more candy than their own good! Frankel Dentistry wants to remind children that too much sugar can lead to cavities and unhealthy habits. Candy, as well as hurting children’s teeth, can lead to hyperactivity and weight gain.  “Visiting your Dentist twice a year and brushing daily are preventative measures, but doing away with excess sweets all together will really give your teeth a healthy boost,” says Dr. Frankel.


Children may bring their leftover, wrapped Halloween candy to Dr. Frankel for $1.00 per pound. Dr. Frankel donates the treats to a local group of Military Parents to be sent to Toledo troops who are serving overseas. Last year, Frankel Dentistry was able to donate over a ton of candy to our troops – let’s try to increase that amount this year!


Stop by either location on the day after Halloween on Thursday, November 1st   through Tuesday, November 6th for candy collection. Check their website, www.jonfrankeldentistry.com for business hours.


Frankel Dentistry has been serving the Toledo community since 1946 with an always better philosophy. Noted for Changing Lives a Smile at a Time, they have been voted Best of Toledo for eight consecutive years by Toledo City Paper Readers.  Frankel Dentistry is currently accepting new patients at both the Toledo, 5012 Talmadge Road and Maumee, 4359 Keystone Drive, locations. For more information or to schedule a free office tour call 419-474-9611 Toledo, 493-893-0221 Maumee or on-line at www.jonfrankeldentistry.com.



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