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Best Workplace in Toledo, Ohio | Toledo Dentist News

Jon Frankel Dentistry

Best Workplace

There are a variety of ways to determine best workplace. Awards and accolades are nice but going to the source is ideal. Asking the doctors, healthcare providers, and staff about Frankel Dentistry reveals why this is absolutely the best place to work in Toledo.


Kenyetta has been with Frankel Dentistry for over 30 years. 28 years ago, she left for a month after being courted away by another company. She was back within weeks.

“There is nothing like Frankel Dentistry. It is gratifying to serve the community and each other. Dentistry as a profession is unique. You help others with how they look and feel. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Frankel Dentistry takes it to another level. We are constantly improving through systems, technology, and an incredibly caring culture. I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else.”

 Kenyetta Lee


Debbie was a dental hygiene student at Owens Community College. A Frankel Dentistry Dental Hygienist was attending an event where hygiene students offer academic presentations. She invited Deb to visit Frankel Dentistry. Twenty years later Deb is the dental hygiene team leader, practices dental hygiene, and educates patients with complimentary consultations.

“I don’t know how to put in words how Frankel Dentistry has impacted my life. I was a patient. Drs. Sheldon and Jon Frankel impressed me with their passion to change lives a smile at a time through the highest standards of dental care. I sought out a dental hygiene program. Owens Community College has an outstanding program, and I was thrilled to be accepted. It was serendipitous when I met Pamela at the annual table clinics. I have a career I love, working with people I like and respect. I have had opportunities to grow professionally and personally while helping others. Recently, Dr. Frankel gave the practice to the employees. I feel fortunate to work at Frankel Dentistry. It is home.”

 Deb Oliver


A Frankel Dentistry human resources employee made a call to a local business for service. The operator solved an ongoing issue. The interaction left her feeling better. She recognized this as part of the Frankel Dentistry culture and asked him to visit the practice.



“I hated my job. I worked in a call center for years. The employees were dissatisfied. The systems were inefficient. It was exhausting. A Frankel Dentistry team leader needed the services of my company. She was impressed with my customer service and asked me to visit Frankel Dentistry. I had no expectations but was so unhappy I took a leap of faith.

 It was a life changing choice. I started in the call center at Frankel Dentistry. I currently am the office integrator which is another name for manager. I am happier, more energetic, feel I truly make a difference in the lives of the doctors, healthcare providers, staff, and patients I work with. My family has noticed I am more available.

Dr. Frankel changed my life and the lives of my wife and children. I know my career helps others with their personal health and well-being. It just doesn’t get better than that.”

 Zach Duckworth





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