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Children and Dentistry | Toledo Dentist News - Part 3

Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Children and Dentistry

  1. Dr. Jonathan Frankel in celebration of National Tooth Fairy Day is offering some important dental hints. Children with good oral hygiene habits are more likely to enjoy a lifetime of dental health.

    National Tooth Fairy day: February 28th is National Tooth Fairy Day and just like the magical fairy, Jon Frankel knows how important it is to educate children on good dental hygiene care. Here are some tips on how to make brushing fun for kids:

    1. Put on some music – Play your kid’s favorite song while they are brushing their teeth. They will love the music and their teeth will be happy to be clean.

    2. Play a game – Sometimes playing a game like “Simon Says” while brushing makes it more fun for children of all ages and helps them learn proper brushing and flossing techniques.

    3. Positive reinforcement – Reward your children for good dental habits. Positive reinforcement urges kids to continue to develop good behaviors. But, be careful; don’t reward them with foods that will damage their teeth, like too much juice or sugar.

    4. Let them choose – Let your child pick out his or her own toothbrush and toothpaste by doing so, you will create excitement with your children about brushing their teeth. Just be sure that the new toothbrush is ADA approved.


    Ohio Dentist makes Halloween Sweet


    TOLEDO, OHIO – Why do vampires brush and floss their teeth so often? So they don’t have bat breath.


    We all know that children may receive money from the tooth fairy, but did you know that children can trade in their Halloween candy for cash? Frankel Dentistry is pleased to be offering their annual Halloween Candy buyback to the Toledo community. Trick-or-treaters can bring their excess candy to Frankel Dentistry’s Talmadge Road and Keystone Drive locations and receive $1.00 per pound.


    Candy, candy everywhere, what’s a parent to do? Halloween is a fun holiday for children to dress up in costumes and participate in trick-or-treating, but sometimes they return with more candy than their own good! Frankel Dentistry wants to remind children that too much sugar can lead to cavities and unhealthy habits. Candy, as well as hurting children’s teeth, can lead to hyperactivity and weight gain.  “Visiting your Dentist twice a year and brushing daily are preventative measures, but doing away with excess sweets all together will really give your teeth a healthy boost,” says Dr. Frankel.


    Children may bring their leftover, wrapped Halloween candy to Dr. Frankel for $1.00 per pound. Dr. Frankel donates the treats to a local group of Military Parents to be sent to Toledo troops who are serving overseas. Last year, Frankel Dentistry was able to donate over a ton of candy to our troops – let’s try to increase that amount this year!


    Stop by either location on the day after Halloween on Thursday, November 1st   through Tuesday, November 6th for candy collection. Check their website, www.jonfrankeldentistry.com for business hours.


    Frankel Dentistry has been serving the Toledo community since 1946 with an always better philosophy. Noted for Changing Lives a Smile at a Time, they have been voted Best of Toledo for eight consecutive years by Toledo City Paper Readers.  Frankel Dentistry is currently accepting new patients at both the Toledo, 5012 Talmadge Road and Maumee, 4359 Keystone Drive, locations. For more information or to schedule a free office tour call 419-474-9611 Toledo, 493-893-0221 Maumee or on-line at www.jonfrankeldentistry.com.



  3. Back to School Smiles


    The start of a new school year can also signal a fresh start. It’s important to teach children the importance of their health and teach them healthy habits. Start the school year with a smile!
    Here are a few tips for getting your child ready for back to school:

    Ready for the First Day of School!

    1) Does your child need dental health forms completed for their school record? It’s important to have their annual exam and cleanings, but also to make sure their health is up to date with their school.

    Tools for a Healthy Smile

    2) New toothbrush = new start to school. In addition to new pencils and notebooks, don’t forget the oral health aisle.

    Strong Smiles Need Guards

    3) Does your child need a sport guard (or get fitted for a new sport guard) for their upcoming fall sport?

    Healthy Snacks are Colorful

    4) Stock up on healthy snacks and lunch items to pack in your child’s lunchbox. Instead of potato chips, stock up on dried fruit and veggies which can easily be stored.


  4. Children’s Dental Health Month


    Children First
    Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with a New Change

    Regularly Scheduled Dental Visits


    February is Children’s Dental Health month. In honor of this topic, we encourage parent’s and caregivers to choose one healthy habit for their children to focus on changing. Parent’s and caregivers are the best examples for their children.
    Here are some examples of healthy habits to focus on this month:

    Parents Make the Difference

    1) Think before you drink….make sure you are serving water or milk as a beverage.
    2) Swap a sugary, processed snack for fruit, vegetables or cheese.
    3) Brush your teeth together – make this a family event and teach your children how to correctly care for their teeth
    4) Floss your teeth together – flossing is such a dreaded part of the oral hygiene routine. Enforce that brushing and flossing go hand-in-hand! Create a sticker chart to keep track and to set a reminder!
    5) Educate them on what the dentist and his team do. Teach them the proper language used at the dentist. Here is a handy chart to get started! 

    Healthy Habits Start Young

    Give kids a reason to smile and show off their bright smile!
  5. Dr. Jon Frankel & Dr. Amber Puhl

    The baseball season has ended. The Toledo Mudhens won their last game. There are two Toledo dentists committed to keeping your childrens’ smiles healthy season through season. As we switch out summer sports bags for book bags, it’s a great time to check out oral health habits.

    Toledo Dentists’ Keep Parents Up on Fall Dental Care

    Summer is over and school is back in session! Back to school means getting organized and ready to start a fresh year! There will be a lot of knowledge to gain and activities to keep busy. Your student’s health should be at the top of the list – this should include physical, mental and dental health.

    Dr. Frankel and Dr. Puhl’s A-B-C’s for Back to School

    A. An Apple a Day….apples are wonderful food for your teeth and your body. (Dr. Frankel eats an organic apple every day!) Fill up on nutritious snacks at school and after school.

    B. Brush! Staying on a strict brushing schedule is very important to incorporate with your child’s school routine – aim to brush after breakfast and before bedtime.

    C. Cavity-free is the way to be! Make sure your child is up-to-date on dental exams not just for school records, but for their health.


    It’s important to teach children how to care for their teeth and what healthy teeth mean for their body. Has your tiny tot been to the dentist yet? Now is the time to get that appointment scheduled.






  6. What keeps people from going to the dentist?

    We have found that fear, time, no sense of urgency and budget are roadblocks for seeing your dentist.

    What do you do at Frankel Dentistry to address a fearful patient?

    Offering complimentary consultation and tours as well as listening to our patients keeps even the most hesitant patient coming on a regular basis.

    What about time? We are all busy.

    Dr. Frankel decided while still a dental student his patients would not wait. We also see emergencies the same day.

    Why go to the dentist? My teeth feel fine.

    A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Dental disease is often silent. Diabetes, heart disease and stroke are associated with your oral health. New studies indicate many types of cancer and even Alzheimer’s disease show a link to oral health.

    How much will it cost?

    We offer a complimentary benefits estimate of dental insurance as well as Care Credit payment options including interest free.

  7. Growing Pain or Toothache

    Has your child ever complained that their tooth hurt? We all know that children go through growing phases but sometime it it may be hard to tell the difference in growing pain and a real toothache — cavity on the rise.

    Dr. Frankel offers these steps to tell the difference:

    • Open wide…check inside their mouth to see if they have food stuck and need help flossing.
    • Teething? Molars can be painful – give your child some pain reliever to see if that helps.
    • Rinse with warm salt water and apply a cold compress to help with swelling/inflammation.
    • Stay away from sticky foods and drink plenty of water.
    • Schedule six month recare dental visits to spot small issues before they become problems.

    If your child is still complaining or having difficulty eating, call our office to get an immediate appointment!