Jon Frankel Dentistry


Dental Anxiety

Am I the only one?

Dental Anxiety

You are not alone.

Often people think they are alone in their hesitation to visit the dentist. As many as one in three have some form of dental anxiety.



What causes fear of the dentist?

There can be many different causes. It might be embarrassment, a bad experience or hearing about someone else’s experience.

Dr. Jon Frankel Dental Staff Toledo, Ohio

Will my feelings toward the dentist ever change?

We have found many of even our most anxious patients, after a series of visits at Frankel Dentistry begin to enjoy their visits.


What can I do about my dental anxiety?

Visit a dental office. Take a tour. Meet the staff. Dentistry has changed a lot in recent years. There are medications the dentist can prescribe to ease the tension or using nitrous oxide (laughing gas) during your visit often helps. For severe dental anxiety we have a dental anesthesiologist who allows you to basically sleep through your visit.

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