Frankel Dentistry has provided dental care throughout the pandemic.
They maintained a skeleton crew to care for patients with dental emergencies keeping hospital ER clear and available for the Coronavirus patients.
Once The Honorable Governor Mike Dewine announced the reopening of dental offices the staff at Frankel Dentistry was ready to make the changes necessary to see their patients.
What drives these doctors, healthcare providers and staff to return? We asked them. The replies seem to have a common thread.

I originally looked for a career in healthcare to help others. It is gratifying to guide patients to a better understanding of the importance of dental care. Dental health promotes overall health. It is vital patients keep their smiles healthy not merely for the psychological benefit but for overall health. How could I not be here?

We are family. We take care of each other. One of the values at Frankel Dentistry is “Serve All.” This value has taken on a whole new life during the pandemic. I am here working to “serve all” just like I do with my personal family.

Helping patients is my passion. I cannot imagine not seeing them especially now. I get back so much more than I give. The patients see each new measure of precaution as an expression of how much we care. I love it!

I am not letting my life stop. We have implemented the safeguards and are available to see our patients with the quality of care they have learned to expect.

Caring for the health of our patients motivates me. Meeting them in the parking lot and explaining our new protocol is gratifying. I want them to feel safe and happy. I have seen how we truly do change lives a smile at a time. I would not want to be to anywhere else.

A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. I am committed to my patients. Frankel Dentistry is like family and I am happy to see everyone. The response I have received from my patients is overwhelming. Their gratitude is a privilege. I feel fortunate to be here.

The pandemic has brought to light many dichotomies. This is certainly one. Many folks are staying home to prevent the spread of the virus. Others, such as the amazing professionals at Frankel Dentistry are offering services to optimize the health of the community.
Together we will do this. Be Preventative. Take Precautions. As this dental family in Toledo, Ohio would suggest, Smile!