Since 1946 Frankel Dentistry has served the Toledo community with an “always better” philosophy. This commitment to upholding the Best Dental Experience attracts amazing dental professionals. Frankel Dentistry would like you to get to know your dental family. Zach Duckworth has been with Frankel Dentistry almost five years. Everyone loves Zach.

We asked Zach a few questions to get to know him better.
Give us a brief description of your position.
As Office Integrator I ensure that the office is running smoothly, and each patient is receiving the best dental experience.
Why did you choose your career?
My career chose me. I couldn’t be happier.
Why do you love Frankel Dentistry?
It gives me the ability to help others.
What is your favorite recipe?
Chicken tacos, hands down!
What is your favorite snack on the go?
Granola bar
What is your favorite local restaurant?
Doc Watson’s
What is your favorite way to exercise?
Playing with my children.
Do you have a hidden talent? If so what is it?
I can blow bubbles off my tongue. (My wife doesn’t even know.)
What is your dream vacation?
Take my family to see the Red Woods in Northern California.
What is your favorite leisure activity?
Relax and watch television with my dog at my side.
If you had a power, what would it be?
Cure sickness.
If you could relive any day in the past, what would it be?
My wedding day.
What is the one item you cannot live without?
My Sonicare electric toothbrush.