Jon Frankel Dentistry

         No Sneezing Matter

Coughing and sneezing is an obvious sign of a cold. A bright shiny red nose is hard to hide. Unfortunately, dental decay is not always evident

                   Dry Rot

Tooth decay is similar wood dry rot. The once solid tooth becomes chalky, spongy and eventually chips and breaks


                 Frankel Dentistry
                     Dental Visit

Seeing your dental professionals at least twice a year allows you to take care of small issues before they become big problems. A little change in habits or home care can save teeth! Unlike a cold, cavities can be prevented.

Happy, Healthy Smile

Tooth decay is the 2nd most common disease in the US behind the common cold. Therefore, it is always important that you visit your dentist regularly, ensuring that your mouth, teeth, and gums are healthy.

Please Choose A Location Nearest You

Frankel Dentistry in Toledo Frankel Dentistry in Maumee

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