Does the way your teeth bite together look out of alignment?
Did you have teeth removed for orthodontic treatment (braces)?
Do you get frequent sinus infections and sore throats?
Do you clench or grind your teeth?
Are you missing back teeth?
Tension headaches are often associated with frequent, non-stop muscle contraction. The tight feeling around your face and head and accompanying limited blood flow to the area triggers more blood to be sent to the area. This increase results in vascular headaches. Clenching and grinding of teeth and the stress and strain on the jaw hinge drive the head and neck muscles into overtime resulting in a headache.
Ringing in the ears, facial, neck and shoulder pain, even painful, clicking or popping jaw joints indicate the bite is a problem source.
If you’ve got the symptoms, Toledo, Ohio Dentist Jon Frankel offers the only non-surgical, non-drug, FDA cleared remedy for migraine prevention, The NTI-TSS (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition – Tension Suppression System).