Jon Frankel Dentistry

Research has shown over and over again that a Healthy Mouth promotes a Healthy Body but how do you get Dad to the Dentist? The Staff at Toledo, Ohio dentist, Jon Frankel’s office have five great suggestions.

• Schedule a dental appointment for a grandchild. Have Granddad take the well informed, enthusiastic patient. Young patients often show the way for hesitant adults. We have seen several Grandparents who came in at a suggestion from their grandkids.

• Remind your Dad to use his well earned insurance benefits before retirement. We hear regrets about lost benefits daily.

• Have a serious conversation if you suspect dental disease. Health disease, stroke, diabetes, pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease have a strong correlation to dental and oral health. It may be a difficult chat but a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body.

• Give Dad a gift certificate to see his dentist. Often scheduling the first visit is all it takes to motivate patients to revive healthy habits.

• Remind Dads who snore that dentists offer an oral appliance that prevents snoring. You will all sleep better knowing your Father’s oral health is in check and his snoring has subsided.

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