Jon Frankel Dentistry

Dr. Shannon Hill Keiser

Dr. Shannon Keiser

Midwestern Values


Moving to the Midwest, one notices the casual, laid-back friendliness and honesty. Dr. Shannon Keiser is Nebraska born, Michigan raised. She moved to Ohio following the completion of her doctorate at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. She is thoroughly Midwestern and we couldn’t be happier to have her at Frankel Dentistry.


It won’t surprise you, Dr. Keiser loves spending quality time with family. She was married in 2015. Her family is expanding with the arrival of baby Owen in September 2016. Along with a love for family, she enjoys to learn new technologies, while exploring new and innovative ideas and advancements. Once again, Dr. Keiser is obviously a perfect addition to Frankel Dentistry. We share the same values.


Dr. Keiser always knew she wanted to be a dentist and thoroughly enjoys helping people. Thirteen years prior to dental school she held positions as a dental assistant, a dental assistant consultant and in dental research.


Living a faith based life we know Dr. Keiser will soon realize; she is already home at Frankel Dentistry.

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