Jon Frankel Dentistry

5 Ways to Help Your Kids Eat Healthier
New year, new you, new resolutions — everyone always says they want to eat healthier and kids shouldn’t be an exception. When kids eat healthier, they feel better and have more energy to be a kid. Healthy eating habits are also beneficial for successful oral health. Healthy foods contain the essential vitamins and nutrients kids need to grow. Parents and caregivers need to create an atmosphere where healthy foods are the first choice and junk foods are consumed in moderation.
Here are 5 ways to help your kids eat healthier foods and less junk food:
1.  Stock your pantry with healthy snack choices and avoid buying snacks that are void of nutrients and full of sugar such as fruit snacks. Encourage children to choose fruits if they have a sweet tooth — try a smoothie!
2. Bake more often — there are so many recipes out there that contain fruits and vegetables that are kid-approved. Instead of breakfast pastries, try homemade muffins with oatmeal and fruit!
 3. Limit TV – there are a lot of commercials that promote fast food meals and candy. Spend time together playing games or outside.
4. Create a family meal plan together — have your children help you plan your meals. Download this example
Drink Water
 5. Eat together —  eating meals together helps families stay united. Celebrate with healthy snacks like fruit yogurt vs. chocolate sundaes.
Eat together —  eating meals together helps families stay united. Celebrate with healthy snacks like fruit yogurt vs. chocolate sundaes.

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