Jon Frankel Dentistry

Your oral health care needs change as you get older. When children become teenagers, they face different issues than when they were younger. By the teenage years, a teen has lost all of his/her “baby” teeth and the adult teeth have made their stay.

In addition to going through puberty, teens also face some oral health changes:

1) Braces – everyone wants a smile that is full of straight teeth. Braces may be a good option for teens to explore.

2) Bothersome wisdom teeth – these teeth or “third molars” can be an issue as teens get older. They may cause pain and need to be removed.

3) Bad Breath – changes in your oral health routine may make a difference – including brushing with an electric toothbrush, flossing daily and adding a mouth wash. Tonsils made need to be checked as well.




The best advice you can give your teen is to adhere to a strong oral health routine and to make sure they attend their regular cleanings. Teenage years are one to smile and laugh a lot, so teens should never feel embarrassed or ashamed of their teeth. Our office is here to discuss all of your options, so you can be proud of your smile.


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