Jon Frankel Dentistry

Back to School Smiles


The start of a new school year can also signal a fresh start. It’s important to teach children the importance of their health and teach them healthy habits. Start the school year with a smile!
Here are a few tips for getting your child ready for back to school:

Ready for the First Day of School!

1) Does your child need dental health forms completed for their school record? It’s important to have their annual exam and cleanings, but also to make sure their health is up to date with their school.

Tools for a Healthy Smile

2) New toothbrush = new start to school. In addition to new pencils and notebooks, don’t forget the oral health aisle.

Strong Smiles Need Guards

3) Does your child need a sport guard (or get fitted for a new sport guard) for their upcoming fall sport?

Healthy Snacks are Colorful

4) Stock up on healthy snacks and lunch items to pack in your child’s lunchbox. Instead of potato chips, stock up on dried fruit and veggies which can easily be stored.


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