Frankel Dentistry has two locations, Toledo and Maumee employing close to 90 dental professionals. If you ask them, they will tell you they wouldn’t work anywhere else. How is that possible?

The clues are obvious from the moment you contact either location. There are systems in place that make serving the community through dentistry efficient and convenient. Once at one of the offices, it is clear, these dental professionals love what they do and know what they are doing.

Frankel Dentistry has defined the best dental experience. They live it.
How is it possible they are always better? Continued training and constant communication through the EOS business model L10 meetings eliminate big problems by addressing small issues. Recently the entire group read What the Heck is EOS? They made it into a book club activity. Chapters were reviewed and discussed together.

Halloween candy buy back. The staff and doctors at Frankel Dentistry assist each other. Birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated. Personal goals are shared and supported. Service to others is seen not only by their two free dental days and

It makes sense that the annual State of the Business meeting was filled with laughter. It was fun. Reviewing where they have been, reiterating where they are and forecasting where they are going couldn’t have been a better experience.

Frankel Dentistry is changing lives a smile at a time for patients and each other.