Today is National Corn on the Cob day. Generally, in the Toledo area the corn fields are knee high by the 4th of July. A scenic drive in this area usually yields an eyeful of corn fields.

Toledoans seem to love corn and especially corn on the cob. Local county fairs offer roasted corn on the cob. Families pass down recipes for corn chowder, corn pudding, and corn bread. It is important to understand corn requires more than just a happy smile.

A beautiful smile can be life changing. Psychologists report that smiling reflects on how your feel and how you make others feel. Dentists will tell you a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Speech therapists share how teeth assist in communication. But here in Ohio it is well known that a healthy set of choppers is required to enjoy corn.

So, start young and visit regularly. Your corn dining delights depend on strong healthy teeth. Keep the dentist on your calendar. Always have an appointment on the books at least 2, 3 for 4 times a year.

Save your smile. Enjoy your corn on the cob. Remember Dr. Frankel wants to see your smile!
National Corn on the Cob Day
The Power of a Smile