Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Diagnosis

  1. November 14th is National Diabetes Day. Patients know they need to monitor their blood sugar with diet and medication but what about dental care. Is there a connection?

    Five Connections Between Diabetes and Dental Health

    Dry Mouth

    A reduction of saliva because of diabetes can lead to dry mouth. Dental patients with dry mouth are at a higher risk of decay.

    Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a cause of tooth loss. Swollen, bleeding gums, and bone loss are symptoms of gum disease. Those with diabetes are susceptible to periodontitis partially due to elevated sugar levels and bacterial growth.


    The immune system can be weakened by diabetes. Those with diabetes can be more susceptible to oral infections.

    Slower Healing Time

    Delayed healing time may mean dental patients take longer to recover from treatment. It may also increase the risk of infection.

    Blood Sugar Complications

    Uncontrolled diabetes may increase the glucose in saliva creating an ideal environment for bacterial biofilm or dental plaque formation. Bacterial plaque is associated with dental decay and gum disease.


    What to do!


    Regular Dental Check Ups

    See your dentist every three months for cleanings and checkups. Brush and floss daily. Keep your dentist informed regarding your diabetes.

    Be Aware

    Keep an eye out for signs of dental disease such as red swollen gums, bleeding, or tooth


    Stay in Charge

    Visit your healthcare provider at regular intervals and keep your blood sugar at the levels recommended.

    Drink Water

    Stay hydrated to keep dry mouth under control.

    Do not Smoke

    Smoking can exacerbate disease and quitting will improve dental and overall health.

  2. Quit It Today: 
    May 31 is World No Tobacco Day
    In honor of World No Tobacco Day on May 31, Frankel Dentistry is committed to education their patients on the negative effects of tobacco. Tobacco use includes: chewing tobacco, cigars and cigarettes.
    How Does Tobacco affect your oral health:
    1) Mouth Cancer in addition to Lung and Throat Cancer may be developed from smoking
    2) Teeth Staining from the tar and nicotine
    3) Gum disease and tooth loss from the increased dental plaque
    The best thing you can do is to never start any type of tobacco habit. If you are a tobacco user, it’s not too late to quit.

    Quitting can be very difficult, but there are so many sources and resources to support your decision. To learn more about how to quit, please visit the World Health Organization.







    Dr. Frankel prefers to correct small dental issues before they become big dental problems. Diagnodent, a diagnostic tool detects tooth decay early.  Unlike the traditional ways of decay detection including dental instruments called probes Diagnodent uses a laser like luminous light to detect decay at an early stage.


    • Detecting early decay means smaller restorations and preserving more natural tooth structure
    • Fluoridated water has made the outer surface of the tooth stronger which is a good thing…except when looking for decay in the natural deep grooves and fissures in teeth where it forms.
    • It is a challenge to find the earliest stages of decay without the new technology Diagnodent allows.
    • Early detection means smaller fillings and healthier teeth.


    Modern technology, healthier teeth and highly trained, caring Personnel…Dr. Frankel offers gentle, effective high tech dentistry.