Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Healthy Mouth

  1. January is always filled with new goals, professional, wellness, familial and more. While many resolutions focus on physical fitness or personal growth, let’s not overlook the importance of prioritizing our oral health. As we always say, a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! Frankel Dentistry encourages you to make a commitment to your smile and oral health this January and beyond.

    Maintaining good oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing! It plays a crucial role in your overall health and quality of life. Poor oral hygiene can lead to various dental issues, including cavities, gum disease, diabetes, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. By prioritizing your oral health, you’re investing in overall wellness..

    Why should oral care be a priority?

    Preventive Care Saves Money and Pain:

    Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help identify and address dental issues early on, saving you from costly and painful treatments in the long run.

    Boost Your Confidence:

    A healthy and radiant smile can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence. Start the year with a commitment to achieving and maintaining that confident smile. Are you or someone you know looking for restorative or cosmetic care? Frankel Dentistry is here to help you fall in love with your smile again.

    Overall Health Benefits: Studies have shown a strong connection between oral health and overall health. By taking care of your teeth and gums, you’re contributing to a healthier body. Did you know individuals with Periodontal Disease are twice as likely to have heart disease.

    Tips for Prioritizing Your Oral Health in 2024:

    Schedule Regular Dental Check-ups:

    Make it a habit to visit Frankel Dentistry for regular check-ups and cleanings. We recommend at least two visits a year! Our comprehensive exams and cancer screenings are efforts to identify any dental issues early on.

    Maintain a Consistent Oral Care Routine:

    Brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash are simple yet effective habits that can go a long way in preserving your oral health. We also suggest tongue scraping and changing out your toothbrush head every three months.

    Watch Your Diet:

    Limit sugary and acidic foods, as they can contribute to tooth decay. Instead, focus on a balanced diet that promotes overall health. Still want some fun drinks? Black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water.

    Quit Smoking:

    If you smoke, consider quitting. Smoking not only stains your teeth but also increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.

    This January, make a resolution to prioritize your oral health with Frankel Dentistry. A commitment to regular check-ups, a consistent oral care routine, and healthy habits can lead to a happier, healthier smile in 2024 and beyond. Your future self will thank you for the investment in a confident and vibrant oral health journey.

  2. November 14th is National Diabetes Day. Patients know they need to monitor their blood sugar with diet and medication but what about dental care. Is there a connection?

    Five Connections Between Diabetes and Dental Health

    Dry Mouth

    A reduction of saliva because of diabetes can lead to dry mouth. Dental patients with dry mouth are at a higher risk of decay.

    Gum Disease

    Gum disease is a cause of tooth loss. Swollen, bleeding gums, and bone loss are symptoms of gum disease. Those with diabetes are susceptible to periodontitis partially due to elevated sugar levels and bacterial growth.


    The immune system can be weakened by diabetes. Those with diabetes can be more susceptible to oral infections.

    Slower Healing Time

    Delayed healing time may mean dental patients take longer to recover from treatment. It may also increase the risk of infection.

    Blood Sugar Complications

    Uncontrolled diabetes may increase the glucose in saliva creating an ideal environment for bacterial biofilm or dental plaque formation. Bacterial plaque is associated with dental decay and gum disease.


    What to do!


    Regular Dental Check Ups

    See your dentist every three months for cleanings and checkups. Brush and floss daily. Keep your dentist informed regarding your diabetes.

    Be Aware

    Keep an eye out for signs of dental disease such as red swollen gums, bleeding, or tooth


    Stay in Charge

    Visit your healthcare provider at regular intervals and keep your blood sugar at the levels recommended.

    Drink Water

    Stay hydrated to keep dry mouth under control.

    Do not Smoke

    Smoking can exacerbate disease and quitting will improve dental and overall health.

  3. Visiting the dentist can be an anxiety-inducing experience for many people, leading them to avoid crucial dental care altogether. At Frankel Dentistry, we understand and empathize with your dental anxiety. Our mission is to provide a warm and welcoming environment where you feel comfortable and at ease. With a team of highly, skilled professionals, state-of-the-art technology, and a patient-centric approach, we are proud to offer the best dental care experience that caters to your unique needs.

    Empathy and Understanding:

    1 in 3 patients struggle with dental anxiety. At Frankel Dentistry, we recognize dental anxiety is real and can be triggered by fear of pain, past negative experiences, or uncertainty about treatment. Our compassionate team takes the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and tailor our approach to provide you with personalized care. We always want to create a safe space where you feel supported throughout your dental journey.

    Gentle and Pain-Free Dentistry:

    We prioritize your comfort during every step of your dental treatment. Our skilled dentists practice the latest techniques and advancements in dentistry to ensure a gentle and pain-free experience. Team members regularly attend continued education classes to better serve patients. When it comes to pain we offer a variety of numbing and sedation options, especially for those with sever anxiety. We are committed to making your visit as comfortable as possible.

    Comprehensive Range of Services:

    At Frankel Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive range of dental services to address all your oral health needs. Whether you require a routine check up, cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile, or restorative treatments like dental implants, our team has the expertise to deliver top-notch care. We also have specialist in office to help care for unique or specialized treatment.

    State-of-the-Art Technology:

    We believe in staying at the forefront of dental technology to provider you with the best care available. Our dental office is equipped with state of the art equipment including digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, and laser dentistry to ensure accurate diagnoses and efficient, minimally invasive treatments.

    Relaxing Atmosphere:

    We take pride in cultivating a relaxing and inviting atmosphere in our dental office. From soothing décor to comfortable waiting areas, we aim to alleviate while visiting the dentist.

    Patient Education:

    At Frankel Dentistry, we want to empowering our patients through education. This is why we offer complimentary consultations. We want to take time to explain treatment options, procedures, and proper oral care techniques, so you can make informed decision about your dental health. We also understand dental care can be a significant financial investment. TO make our services accessible to everyone, we offer care credit and work with a variety of dental insurance plans.

    Serve All, Always Better. At Frankel Dentistry we are passionate about providing a dental care experience that prioritizes your comfort and well-being. From understand and empathizing with dental anxiety to offering a wide range of services with the latest technology, specialists, and compassionate team members, we strive to deliver the best possible care for each patient. Don’t let dental anxiety prevent you from achieving optimal oral health and a confident smile. Come experience the difference at Frankel Dentistry. Your smile deserves the best, and that’s precisely what we’re here to provide, the Best Dental Care Experience!

    Due for a cleaning or looking for a new dental practice? Let us create the best dental care experience for you and your family. We have two offices, flexible hours, evenings, and weekends.

    Call today to schedule.

    Toledo: 419-474-9611

    Maumee: 419-893-0221


  4. Tooth sensitivity can be a frustrating and uncomfortable dental issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Sharp, sudden pain that accompanies the consumption of hot or cold foods and beverages can put a damper on daily life. While there are various causes behind tooth sensitivity, it’s important to address any underlying problems rather than simply endure the discomfort. Let’s dive deeper into tooth sensitivity and how to help!

    Tooth sensitivity can be a result of many factors such as:

    Tooth enamel erosion: The protective layer of enamel can wear down over time due to aggressive brushing, acidic foods, or acid reflux. As the enamel thins, the underlying dentin becomes exposed, leading to sensitivity.

    Dental cavities: Cavities compromise the integrity of the tooth structure, causing sensitivity when the nerve endings are exposed to stimuli.

    Gum recession: Receding gums expose the tooth roots, which lack the protective enamel covering. The roots contain tiny tubules that connect to nerve endings, making them more susceptible to sensitivity.

    six tips on how to help sensitive teeth.

    Of course we recommend speaking with your dental care provider to find any underlying health concerns but if you can’t get into the office soon enough here are some tips to  help:

    Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and adopting a gentle brushing technique can prevent further enamel erosion and gum recession.

    Use desensitizing toothpaste: Specialized toothpaste for sensitive teeth contains compounds that help block nerve sensations and provide relief. Regular use can help reduce sensitivity over time.

    Avoid acidic and sugary foods: Acidic foods and beverages, as well as excessive sugar consumption, can contribute to enamel erosion and tooth decay. Limiting their intake can protect your teeth from further damage.

    Wear a mouthguard at night: If tooth sensitivity is caused by teeth grinding or clenching, wearing a mouthguard at night can help minimize the pressure on your teeth and prevent enamel wear.

    It’s important to note that these are all temporary fixes, it’s crucial to schedule regular dental visits with our team at Frankel Dentistry to address the underlying causes of tooth sensitivity! A dental professional can identify any dental issues, such as cavities, gum disease, or enamel erosion, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Routine dental cleanings and examinations are essential for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing further complications! We’d be happy to take a look at your smile! 

    Call today to schedule or visit us online!

    Toledo:419-474-9611   Maumee: 419-893-0221

  5. March is Women’s History Month and last Wednesday Frankel Dentistry celebrated International Women’s Day! Did you know over 90% of dental team members are female. Dentistry and support is a female dominated field.

    Dentistry would not be what it is today without the thousands of women who have dedicated their lives to oral health care.

    Empower a woman, empower a community – Celebrating the strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide on International Women’s Day.💙

    Let’s learn more about the importance of women in dentistry!

    Dental hygiene and assisting are important fields in the dental industry, with the role of women in these fields growing significantly in recent years. Women have been taking on more roles in dentistry and, as a result, are making significant contributions to the field. Among these roles, the positions of hygienists and EFDAs (Expanded Function Dental Assistants) stand out for their crucial contributions to dental care.

    Women in Dental Hygiene

    Dental hygiene is a critical aspect of dental care, as it helps prevent and manage oral health problems. Dental hygienists work in dental offices, clinics, and hospitals, and are responsible for performing dental cleanings, oral exams, and educating patients about proper oral hygiene practices. Women make up a significant portion of the dental hygiene workforce, with the American Dental Hygienists’ Association reporting that 98.4% of all dental hygienists in the United States are women.

    Women in EFDAs

    Expanded Function Dental Assistants, or EFDAs, work closely with dentists to provide essential dental care to patients. EFDAs are responsible for a variety of tasks, including placing and removing dental fillings, taking x-rays, and assisting with dental surgeries. Like dental hygiene, EFDAs play an essential role in the provision of dental care. Women make up a significant portion of the EFDA workforce as well, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that 95.6% of all dental assistants are women.


    Last week we also celebrated Dental Assistant’s Appreciation Week! How cute is our team?

    Dental assistants celebrating dentistry as a team!

    We love our Dental Assistants!

    The Importance of Women in Dentistry

    Women have always played an important role in the dental industry, but their contributions have become increasingly significant in recent years. The reasons for this include increasing numbers of women entering the dental field and a growing awareness of the importance of oral health. Women have proven to be highly skilled and knowledgeable dental professionals, bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the field.

    Women have made significant contributions to the dental industry as dental hygienists and EFDAs.  The growing numbers of women in these roles is a positive sign for the future of dental care and will undoubtedly continue to benefit patients for years to come. At Frankel Dentistry we are grateful for the women who have helped us build our practice and provide our Toledo and Maumee communities with excellent patient care. 


    Looking for a career in dentistry? Visit us online at


  6. Taking care of your pet’s oral health is an important part of their overall well-being. A healthy mouth, promotes a healthy body! Just like humans, pets can suffer from a variety of dental issues, including plaque, tartar, and periodontal disease, if their oral health isn’t properly maintained.

    First, let’s talk about why pet oral health is so important. Not only can poor oral health lead to bad breath, but it can also create a number of other problems for your pet. For instance, bacteria can easily enter the bloodstream through the gums and cause infections in other organs. This can lead to a variety of illnesses and can even be life-threatening. That’s why it’s so important to practice good oral hygiene for your pet.

    Let’s talk about how to keep your pet’s mouth clean and healthy. One of the best ways to do this is by brushing your pet’s teeth regularly. You can purchase special pet toothbrushes and toothpaste at most pet stores. It’s also important to feed your pet a healthy, balanced diet and give them plenty of chew toys. This will help remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup.

    Finally, it’s also important to take your pet to the vet for regular checkups. While Frankel Dentistry does not care for animals, your vet can check your pet’s teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy and can provide advice on the best way to maintain your pet’s oral hygiene! Let’s help your best friend have a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles!

    We’ve said it time and time again but a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! The same goes for the pets you love! Good oral hygiene is an important part of your pet’s overall health and well-being.

  7. Dental health is an important topic for parents to consider when it comes to their children. Taking care of a child’s oral health can start even before they have their first tooth. It’s important to introduce healthy habits early on to ensure that children have strong, healthy teeth and gums and a lifetime of healthy smiles.

    First and foremost, it’s important to schedule regular dental visits for your child. These visits should start when the first tooth appears and continue throughout their life. During the visits, the dentist will be able to provide advice on oral care, assess the condition of the teeth and gums, and offer preventive treatments such as fluoride applications. Frankel Dentistry offers look and learn appointments to help your child acclimate to the dental office environment while also ensuring their oral health is on the right track.

    At home, parents should help their children develop good brushing habits. Ideally, children should brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride-containing toothpaste. Parents should help children aged two and under brush their teeth, and should supervise brushing for children up to the age of six.

    In addition to brushing, children should also floss their teeth every day. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from in between teeth, which helps prevent the buildup of cavities and gum disease. It’s important to teach children the proper way to floss, as incorrect technique can do more harm than good.

    Finally, it’s important to limit the amount of sugary snacks and drinks that children consume. Sugary foods and drinks can increase the risk of cavities, so it’s best to limit their intake. Replace sugary snacks with healthy alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, and plain yogurt.

    By following these tips, parents can help ensure that their children have healthy teeth and gums for life. Let’s summarize! Regular visits to the dentist, good brushing habits, flossing, and limiting sugary snacks and drinks are all important components of a good dental health routine.

  8. Wearing down your smile by grinding your teeth throughout the night? Unbearable migraines as a result from uncontrollable clenching?
    Our Maumee office, Frankel and Puhl Dentistry could have a solution for you! Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS is now administering Botox to help treat TMJ and bruxism.

    Not sure what TMJ is? Let us break it down for you.

    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. TMJ disorders, a type of temporomandibular disorder or TMD, can cause pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. Over 80% of patients suffer from some sort of TMJ disorder.
    Woman suffering from jaw pain and aches from TMJ.

    What causes TMJ?

    TMJ can be the result of a number of factors. Arthritis, jaw injury, teeth clenching and/or grinding all contribute to TMJ development. During early signs of teeth grinding and clenching we recommend visiting your dentist regarding night guards to protect your enamel and your jaw.

    Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders may include:

    • Pain or tenderness of your jaw
    • Pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints
    • Aching pain in and around your ear
    • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
    • Aching facial pain
    • Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
    Dr. Puhl and Dr. Frankel smiling

    Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS and Dr. Jon Frankel, DDS

    Botox Can Help!

    You have undoubtedly heard of Botox injections used to enhance lips, cheeks, or to smooth out wrinkles across the forehead or around the eyes. But you may not be familiar with Botox treatment for TMJ. When the Botox is injected into the temporalis and masseter muscles, it limits muscle function and relieves facial pain, headaches, and swelling associated with TMJ.

    Always Better! Frankel and Puhl Dentistry is adding Botox as a treatment option for patients who suffer from TMJ disorders. Continuing to learn and grow to best serve our patients is very important to us. After training and continued education with the American Academy of Facial Esthetics,  our very own Dr. Amber Puhl, DDS will be offering botox treatment!

    Struggling with tension headaches and jaw pain from TMJ? Botox could be your answer. Visit us online or call today to schedule an appointment.

  9. September is here! Can you believe how fast the 2022 year has gone by? As we start to enter the fall season, we want to remind you to not only visit the dentist to ensure optimal oral health but to continue to work on your self-improvement. September is Self Improvement month and it’s the perfect time to revisit your personal goals and take steps to be who you aspire to be! 


    This month, all our Frankel Dentistry team members are sharing their personal goals for the year! #AlwaysBetter! We are excited to get a jump start on positive, healthy habits that will help us create the lives we want to live! Here are just a few to help inspire you!

    A member of our finance team, Jerica, just purchased a home and has prioritized remodeling the space into something she adores!

    Brilliant and career driven, our new doctor Dr. Dhaliwal, hopes to become implant certified to allow her to change the lives of even more patients!

    Smiles in the front hope to start helping smiles in the back! Our front desk extraordinaire, Yasmeen, is taking steps to become a dental assistant and become part of our clinical team! 

    Happy and Healthy! It seems as though prioritizing and devising a healthcare plan is our most common goal. Dozens of us like Lisa, Megan, Hava, Dr. Frankel, Ashley, Brittany, and more are workin’ on their fitness!

    Little actions lead to big actions! Your self improvement goal can be big or small. Alexa wants to keep her car clean, Joellen wants to stop biting her nails, and Kylee wants to drink more water!


    With an #AlwaysBetter attitude, our Frankel Dentistry team is excited to work towards bettering ourselves to help better others! Little actions, little words, a little bit of love and encouragement are all things that combine to achieve a greater goal!


    What are some of your personal goals for September or even for the rest of the year?

    Four best girl friends smiling and laughing together beautiful teeth happy healthy smiles

    Jerica, Brittany, Elena, and Tara

  10. July is filled with dozens of reasons to smile. This month we smile because Frankel Dentistry is welcoming a new doctor. We are overjoyed to present Dr. Erin Waples D.D.S!

    Erin Waples, DDS.

    An Ohio native and former Ohio State Buckeye! Dr. Waples was born and raised in the small village of Mogadore in Northeastern Ohio. She grew up loving soccer, track, and the great outdoors, spending dozens of weekends camping and hiking with her family. 

    She attended the University of Akron where she studied Biomedical Engineering. She knew she wanted a fulfilling, impactful career while still being able to maintain a work life balance. Post graduation she began shadowing different career fields and discovered her passion for dentistry. “There is something so special about working with your hands, touching the lives of patients, and creating long lasting relationships and friendships.” 

    A young Erin Waples pursued her dental degree at THE Ohio State University. She spent her time in Columbus playing intramural soccer, attending Buckeye games with friends, and serving the community through the Delta Sigma Delta organization.

    Dr. Waples is special to us because she is special to someone here! While at THE Ohio State University she met her fiance, fellow Frankel and Puhl dentist, Dr. Westmeyer. Dr. Westmeyer is also an OSU alumni and has been a part of our Maumee team since 2019. These two are avid adventurers! They enjoy camping, hiking, snow sports, and exploring national parks and new destinations! In October 2021 Dr. Westmeyer popped the question and now they patiently plan and await their big day. In the meantime these two are thrilled and grateful to serve the NWO community through their passions. 

    Frankel Dentistry is thrilled to have Dr. Waples a part our team. We cannot wait to Change Lives a Smile at a Time with her.