Jon Frankel Dentistry

Category Archive: Healthy Mouth

  1. How often do you feel oral pain after enjoying a bite of your summer sundae on a nice July night? Or struggle to enjoy a nice hot cup of soup? You could be struggling with tooth sensitivity. 

    What is tooth sensitivity?

    Tooth sensitivity is pain or discomfort as a response to hot and cold stimuli. This can be anything from hot foods to cold air.

    What causes tooth sensitivity?

    Let’s look at the anatomy of a tooth. The strong outer layer of a tooth is called enamel. The more enamel is worn down the more sensitive the tooth becomes. 

    There are many factors which could contribute to tooth sensitivity such as:

    -brushing too hard

    -Acidic foods

    -Teeth grinding

    -Tooth decay

    -Gastrointestinal issues such as GERD

    How to care for sensitive teeth?

    First and foremost visit a dentist for a full exam. A cleaning and professional exam can help detect any deeper issues which could be causing your sensitivity or any other oral health concerns. Your dentist may recommend fluoride treatments to help protect and rebuild your enamel. They may also recommend alcohol- free mouthwash and a toothpaste specialized for sensitive teeth. Specialized products often have desensitizing ingredients to help block discomfort and limited irritating ingredients. 

    Maintaining a strong, consistent oral health care routine at home can do wonders for your oral health. Invest in products which can help rebuild and protect enamel. Practice a healthy diet and try limiting acidic foods. Frankel Dentistry wants to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health care. Visit us on our other online platforms to learn more about your oral health.

    Facebook: Frankel Dentistry 

    Instagram: Frankel Dentistry

    Linkedin: Frankel Dentistry

  2. June is Men’s Health Awareness Month and Frankel Dentistry is spreading awareness and encouraging healthy habits. Did you know over 350,000 men die every year from heart disease? And only 3 out 5 have regular physicals. Believe it or not, your oral health is connected to your health! This is why we always say a Healthy Mouth Promotes a Healthy Body! Oral health is often overlooked but did you know there are currently 3.6 billion individuals struggling with oral diseases? 

    Father and Son smiling and laughing. Baby is waving. Healthy, bright smile. University of Toledo representative. University of Toledo gear.

    Your mouth is typically a good indicator of your overall well-being. Individuals with periodontal disease have the same risk factors as those with heart disease. Diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and Alzthemiers can all be connected to oral health. Frankel Dentistry wants to see you live a healthy, happy life with smiles to share for years to come. How can you make sure you’re practicing a healthy lifestyle?

    Here are some heart healthy habits to help encourage a healthy lifestyle!

    1. A healthy diet.

    Limit your fat and sodium consumption! Highly fat foods are known to increase your risk of heart disease or stroke. This is because fatty foods increase cholesterol which lead to high blood pressure, build up in the blood, clogged arteries, and more. 

    A heart healthy diet includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and limit processed foods. 

    1. Exercise!

    30 minutes a few days a week is all you need! Cardio exercises such as walking, running, cycling, or exercise classes all help strengthen your heart. Find a form of exercise you love and will look forward to! 


    As you know a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! Studies have shown bacteria in the mouth creates plaque which can move into the bloodstream and increase your risk for diabetes, stroke, and more. Remember to brush twice a day for at least two minutes, floss regularly, and schedule your recare appointments! 

    1. Quality rest.

    Quality sleep is essential to your health and well-being. Sleep allows your heart to rest as well as improve blood pressure and heart rate. We recommend a 7-8 hours of quality rest a night.

    er wearing small business owned merchandise. Toledo family. Toledo Father
  3. On May 31st we celebrated National Smile Day! As a dental practice we love any reason to share smiles. One of our Core Values is gratitude, so needless to say it’s easy for us to find reasons for us to smile. Our patients make us smile, our teams make us smile, our careers make us smile. Sharing a smile with someone can mean more than you know!

    In order to express our gratitude for the ones who make us smile, we gifted glass mugs to our patients on Friday to show our appreciation!

    As we celebrated National Smile Day a patient mentioned how smiling wasn’t always the norm, in fact it was “frowned upon”. We decided to do our research!

    In early 1600s portraits you often see individuals emotionless and lacking a positive expression. This is because people suffer tooth rot and decay from poor diet and high sugars. As dentistry developed the smile slowly became more popular. In the early 1700’s French began to show their teeth in portraits, this was quickly rejected by priests and reformists insisting smiling and laughter showed lack of self control or good manners. In the 1800s dentistry emerged, as dentistry developed so did an attitude of authenticity. By the 1950’s smiling in portraits became the norm and has developed into the smile we love to share today!

    Gratitude, encouragement, and TECHNOLOGY!

    A look and learn with NEW tech!

    Tired of those sticky, gunky impressions? So are we!

    Frankel Dentistry is excited to introduce the latest technological addition to our practice THE Itero Scanner an intraoral scanner which captures 6000 digital images in under a minute. This means we can have a full digital mold of your mouth in minutes. Popular for restorative  and orthodontic dentistry, the Itero helps us quickly and accurately identify your clinical needs, intracaries, crowns, veneers, and develop an action plan. 

  4. The Toledo Blade held their first ever Reader’s Choice Awards. This year Toledo Blade Readers voted Frankel Dentistry as Best Dentist! We are honored and grateful to serve our Toledo community through excellent, quality dental care. Our doctors, healthcare providers, and staff consistently strive to create a positive experience for every patient. From the minute you step in our door to the second you leave we want to ensure you feel safe and welcomed. Our patients are what motivate us to be the best. Our team is guided by our core values, “Serve All” and “Always Better” and everyday we highlight the importance of gratitude, encouragement, and togetherness. These values lead us to create gold standard, genuine dental care for our community. Thank you The Blade and thank you Toledo, we are grateful to serve you!

  5. Last month, Dr. Frankel spent some time studying with two incredible dental innovators Dr. Michael Apa and Dr. Larry Rosenthal. Both world renowned dentists based out of New York City and known for their work in Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentistry! Drs. Apa, Frankel, and Rosenthal spent time discussing advances in porcelain veneers. Cosmetic Dentistry is one of Dr. Frankel’s passions. A very special thank you to Dr. Rosenthal, Dr. Apa, Cathy and the rest of his incredible team.

    Dr. Larry Rosenthal
    Dr. Michael Apa
  6. Frankel Dentistry takes your heart health seriously. The doctors, healthcare providers, and staff stress updated medical histories, regularly scheduled well care visits, proper brushing and flossing.

    February has been designated American Heart Health month.

    Several of these dedicated dental professionals posed for photos sharing the love for those with heart disease themselves or with family members with heart issues. Others offered their top hints for heart health.

    Tristan Lipp

    Rebecca Miller, R.D.H. shared, “Keep a healthy mouth, floss, brush, and see your dentist regularly.”

    Zach Duckworth, Practice Integrator

    “Brush, floss, and exercise regularly”, offered Dr. Andrew Smith.

    Emily Schimming, RDH

    Dr. Karim reminded us, “Monitor your blood pressure. We check it at each dental visit.”

    Olivia Slates, RDH

    Dr. Uveges added, “Limit your salt intake”.

    Pamela Weitzel, Dental Concierge

    Olivia Slates and her patient, a Toledo registered nurse, suggest, “Watch your intake of sweets and processed food.”

    Love Your Smile
  7. Jonathan Frankel, D.D.S. Toledo, Ohio

    February is a quick month but is earmarked to bring attention to a long- standing problem, heart health. Toledo dentist, Dr. Jonathan Frankel agrees with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

    Floss Daily

    A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. “Brushing and flossing daily and visiting the dentist for re-care wellness visits at least twice a year are important for overall health”, states Toledo, Ohio dentist Dr.  Jon Frankel.

    The Colgate Palmolive Company promotes heart health through education.

    February is Heart Health Month

    The Cleveland Clinic offers 5 hints toward heart health. They agree with Dr. Frankel, reminding us all to brush and floss.

  8. Your oral health care needs change as you get older. When children become teenagers, they face different issues than when they were younger. By the teenage years, a teen has lost all of his/her “baby” teeth and the adult teeth have made their stay.

    In addition to going through puberty, teens also face some oral health changes:

    1) Braces – everyone wants a smile that is full of straight teeth. Braces may be a good option for teens to explore.

    2) Bothersome wisdom teeth – these teeth or “third molars” can be an issue as teens get older. They may cause pain and need to be removed.

    3) Bad Breath – changes in your oral health routine may make a difference – including brushing with an electric toothbrush, flossing daily and adding a mouth wash. Tonsils made need to be checked as well.




    The best advice you can give your teen is to adhere to a strong oral health routine and to make sure they attend their regular cleanings. Teenage years are one to smile and laugh a lot, so teens should never feel embarrassed or ashamed of their teeth. Our office is here to discuss all of your options, so you can be proud of your smile.


  9. Toledo, Ohio dental practice, Frankel Dentistry, have been Changing Loves a Smile at a Time since 1946. Voted Best of Toledo for 8 consecutive years by the reader’s of The City Paper, this dental practice loves what they do. Their always better attitude is focused on offering the best dental experience.

    Patients become dental family. It is not surprising to have third and even fourth generation patients. The doctors and staff at both the Toledo and Maumee location are accessible, professional and feel caring their dental family is a privilege. They are grateful to care for your smile.

    Spring is the season for cleaning. Check out these tips from Frankel Dentistry.

    Spring Cleaning for Your Health

    Spring is here and it’s a great time to clean out your house. Rainy day? Perfect time to get some extra cleaning down before the weather gets nice. Make a list and prioritize what you want to accomplish as your health should always be at the top of the list!
    Here are some suggested areas to clean that can affect your health:
    1) Toothbrush – when is the last time you replaced yours? It’s recommend to replace our toothbrush at least every 2 months and more often if sick.
    2) Bathroom – wipe down and disinfect anything and everything in your bathroom – this includes toothbrush holders and medicine cabinets that may touch your oral hygiene  products .
    3) Food pantry – is your pantry and fridge stocked with healthy snacks? Now is a good time to go through any old expired items or items you wish to trade in for healthier alternatives.
    4) Carpets – winter can track some much dirt and dust and really affect your health if you have allergies. 
    5) Dusting – clean under the bed, top of the bookshelves, picture frames and any place where dust can collect.
    Your total health affects the health of your mouth, so make sure to keep both in the best shape.


    Jonathan Frankel, D.D.S.
               Toledo, Ohio

    Summer is here and with hot weather comes cold drinks. Water helps prevent staining on your teeth and flushes away sugars and acids.  Water also helps keep your saliva levels high which is important. Saliva is a defense against decay.

    Refreshing and Healthy

    There are many health benefits from drinking water:

    • Increased energy
    • Promotes weight loss
    • Improves skin complexion
    • Boosts Immunity

    Not to mention, you can save money by drinking water! The best beverage choice you can make is water. If you want to spice up your flavor, add fresh citrus like lemons or oranges. If you’re looking for a healthy snack, try watermelon which is hydrating and nutritious.

    Water is delicious!