Jon Frankel Dentistry

  1. You need to go to the dentist. You are embarrassed you waited so long. It is a wicked circle. Your dental health is a risk. You know a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. What can you so?

    Find a dentist that offers complimentary tours or consultations.

    A pleasant tour of your new dental home breaks the ice. Do not be afraid to share how your feel. It is the best way to be treated the way you want.

    Schedule a new patient exam. The first visit especially if it has been a while will be a comprehensive examination including measuring  the gum health through perio-charting, intra-oral photos, and radiographs.

    The initial visit gives you a “lay of the land”. You will get an idea of your overall dental health and begin a plan.

    Start treatment with a dental cleaning or periodontal treatment and a consultation.

    The second visit depending on your treatment plan will include either a regular cleaning (prophylaxis) or periodontal therapy or if you have dental pain a restorative visit. You may also have a complimentary consultation to discuss in detail your dental health treatment plan. A dental concierge will answer your clinical questions and a financial consultant will guide you through your financial responsibility.

    Continue treatment until your dental health is stable. Schedule dental health care visits for every 3, 4, or 6 months.

    The success of your dental health journey is related to your  understanding of treatment and trust. Find a dental practice that works with you to plan your treatment goals. It is a team effort.

    Frankel Dentistry in Toledo, Ohio is dedicated to offering the best dental experience. They have been changing lives a smile at time since 1946 with an always better approach.

    This is what a recent new patient shared about their new patient experience.

     I wish I had come sooner. I went in knowing what to expect. Everything was laid out with a plan and a back-up plan. Dr Hayder and the team that assisted him, I’m sorry Ladies I don’t know all your names, were awesome in their communication and cared for my comfort throughout the whole procedure. This visit, like my first one felt personalized, comfortable and stress free. Thank you all!


    To see more patient reviews go to:


  1. July is filled with dozens of reasons to smile. This month we smile because Frankel Dentistry is welcoming a new doctor. We are overjoyed to present Dr. Erin Waples D.D.S!

    Erin Waples, DDS.

    An Ohio native and former Ohio State Buckeye! Dr. Waples was born and raised in the small village of Mogadore in Northeastern Ohio. She grew up loving soccer, track, and the great outdoors, spending dozens of weekends camping and hiking with her family. 

    She attended the University of Akron where she studied Biomedical Engineering. She knew she wanted a fulfilling, impactful career while still being able to maintain a work life balance. Post graduation she began shadowing different career fields and discovered her passion for dentistry. “There is something so special about working with your hands, touching the lives of patients, and creating long lasting relationships and friendships.” 

    A young Erin Waples pursued her dental degree at THE Ohio State University. She spent her time in Columbus playing intramural soccer, attending Buckeye games with friends, and serving the community through the Delta Sigma Delta organization.

    Dr. Waples is special to us because she is special to someone here! While at THE Ohio State University she met her fiance, fellow Frankel and Puhl dentist, Dr. Westmeyer. Dr. Westmeyer is also an OSU alumni and has been a part of our Maumee team since 2019. These two are avid adventurers! They enjoy camping, hiking, snow sports, and exploring national parks and new destinations! In October 2021 Dr. Westmeyer popped the question and now they patiently plan and await their big day. In the meantime these two are thrilled and grateful to serve the NWO community through their passions. 

    Frankel Dentistry is thrilled to have Dr. Waples a part our team. We cannot wait to Change Lives a Smile at a Time with her.

  1. How often do you feel oral pain after enjoying a bite of your summer sundae on a nice July night? Or struggle to enjoy a nice hot cup of soup? You could be struggling with tooth sensitivity. 

    What is tooth sensitivity?

    Tooth sensitivity is pain or discomfort as a response to hot and cold stimuli. This can be anything from hot foods to cold air.

    What causes tooth sensitivity?

    Let’s look at the anatomy of a tooth. The strong outer layer of a tooth is called enamel. The more enamel is worn down the more sensitive the tooth becomes. 

    There are many factors which could contribute to tooth sensitivity such as:

    -brushing too hard

    -Acidic foods

    -Teeth grinding

    -Tooth decay

    -Gastrointestinal issues such as GERD

    How to care for sensitive teeth?

    First and foremost visit a dentist for a full exam. A cleaning and professional exam can help detect any deeper issues which could be causing your sensitivity or any other oral health concerns. Your dentist may recommend fluoride treatments to help protect and rebuild your enamel. They may also recommend alcohol- free mouthwash and a toothpaste specialized for sensitive teeth. Specialized products often have desensitizing ingredients to help block discomfort and limited irritating ingredients. 

    Maintaining a strong, consistent oral health care routine at home can do wonders for your oral health. Invest in products which can help rebuild and protect enamel. Practice a healthy diet and try limiting acidic foods. Frankel Dentistry wants to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health care. Visit us on our other online platforms to learn more about your oral health.

    Facebook: Frankel Dentistry 

    Instagram: Frankel Dentistry

    Linkedin: Frankel Dentistry

  1. June is Men’s Health Awareness Month and Frankel Dentistry is spreading awareness and encouraging healthy habits. Did you know over 350,000 men die every year from heart disease? And only 3 out 5 have regular physicals. Believe it or not, your oral health is connected to your health! This is why we always say a Healthy Mouth Promotes a Healthy Body! Oral health is often overlooked but did you know there are currently 3.6 billion individuals struggling with oral diseases? 

    Father and Son smiling and laughing. Baby is waving. Healthy, bright smile. University of Toledo representative. University of Toledo gear.

    Your mouth is typically a good indicator of your overall well-being. Individuals with periodontal disease have the same risk factors as those with heart disease. Diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and Alzthemiers can all be connected to oral health. Frankel Dentistry wants to see you live a healthy, happy life with smiles to share for years to come. How can you make sure you’re practicing a healthy lifestyle?

    Here are some heart healthy habits to help encourage a healthy lifestyle!

    1. A healthy diet.

    Limit your fat and sodium consumption! Highly fat foods are known to increase your risk of heart disease or stroke. This is because fatty foods increase cholesterol which lead to high blood pressure, build up in the blood, clogged arteries, and more. 

    A heart healthy diet includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and limit processed foods. 

    1. Exercise!

    30 minutes a few days a week is all you need! Cardio exercises such as walking, running, cycling, or exercise classes all help strengthen your heart. Find a form of exercise you love and will look forward to! 


    As you know a healthy mouth promotes a healthy body! Studies have shown bacteria in the mouth creates plaque which can move into the bloodstream and increase your risk for diabetes, stroke, and more. Remember to brush twice a day for at least two minutes, floss regularly, and schedule your recare appointments! 

    1. Quality rest.

    Quality sleep is essential to your health and well-being. Sleep allows your heart to rest as well as improve blood pressure and heart rate. We recommend a 7-8 hours of quality rest a night.

    er wearing small business owned merchandise. Toledo family. Toledo Father
  1. On May 31st we celebrated National Smile Day! As a dental practice we love any reason to share smiles. One of our Core Values is gratitude, so needless to say it’s easy for us to find reasons for us to smile. Our patients make us smile, our teams make us smile, our careers make us smile. Sharing a smile with someone can mean more than you know!

    In order to express our gratitude for the ones who make us smile, we gifted glass mugs to our patients on Friday to show our appreciation!

    As we celebrated National Smile Day a patient mentioned how smiling wasn’t always the norm, in fact it was “frowned upon”. We decided to do our research!

    In early 1600s portraits you often see individuals emotionless and lacking a positive expression. This is because people suffer tooth rot and decay from poor diet and high sugars. As dentistry developed the smile slowly became more popular. In the early 1700’s French began to show their teeth in portraits, this was quickly rejected by priests and reformists insisting smiling and laughter showed lack of self control or good manners. In the 1800s dentistry emerged, as dentistry developed so did an attitude of authenticity. By the 1950’s smiling in portraits became the norm and has developed into the smile we love to share today!

    Gratitude, encouragement, and TECHNOLOGY!

    A look and learn with NEW tech!

    Tired of those sticky, gunky impressions? So are we!

    Frankel Dentistry is excited to introduce the latest technological addition to our practice THE Itero Scanner an intraoral scanner which captures 6000 digital images in under a minute. This means we can have a full digital mold of your mouth in minutes. Popular for restorative  and orthodontic dentistry, the Itero helps us quickly and accurately identify your clinical needs, intracaries, crowns, veneers, and develop an action plan. 

  1. May is Family Wellness Month AND Mental Health Month.

    Your physical health is just as important as your mental health! This month we are sharing healthy habits to encourage a healthier lifestyle for you and your family!

    1. Get outside! A little summer sunshine can go a long way. Chances are you’ve spent the winter tucked away and Vitamin D deprived. Take a family walk or bike ride in the evening, visit a new park or trail, walk the dog daily, and be sure to take in the sunshine and fresh air.
    Toledo local organization Miles for Smiles walk. Mom and children walking as a form of exercise.
    1. Try a healthy new recipe. Pick a night to cook a healthy meal with your family. This is a great way to spend quality time together while still being productive. This is also an opportunity to teach children the importance of a balanced diet and trying new foods.
    1. Practice mindfulness. This is an opportunity to help your children understand the importance of mental health. Simply reflect on the day you’ve had or situations which have left your little ones with certain emotions. Help them discover “why” they feel the emotions they do. Also, try a five minute meditation or positive affirmations. Encourage your children to highlight their favorite things about themselves to promote self esteem!
    1. Find a self care routine. Help your loved ones find a way they love to care for themselves, this could be taking time for a skin care routine, workout routine, an oral care routine, or nighttime cooldown routine. This is time for you all to relax yet still be productive towards your health.
    Oral care is self care. Three different forms of self care that can help you take care of your mind and body.
Oral care routine, skin care routine, mental care routine.
    1. Practice oral health! A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Teaching your kids healthy oral habits at a young age can help ensure a beautiful, life lasting smile. Brush, floss, rinse, visit Dr. Frankel and repeat!
    2. Connect with one another. Good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. It never hurts to remind your family how much they mean to you and the impact they’ve made on your life.
    Family photo for Dental office in Toledo at the Wildwood Metroparks. A team of moms and their kids.
  1. Sweet summer sun, smiles, and sangria! On Friday April 29th Frankel Dentistry and Frankel and Puhl Dentistry met in one of their favorite places to celebrate a quarter of growth and ownership mindsets! Majestic Oaks is a locally owned winery who offers delicious, fresh beers, wines, and sangrias! Our teams first visited Majestic Oak last summer and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere, beauty, and sangria flights!

    This year Drs. Frankel and Puhl treated us to another beautiful day at the winery to spend time out of office with the ones we love to change lives with. This was a chance to meet the newest doctors to join our practice, and fresh, fun front and clinical employees!

    Find a workplace you love! Both the Toledo and Maumee offices are home to dozens of friendships. As we continue to grow and intermix with one another we build even more relationships and friendships through our careers and passion. Changing lives is even more meaningful when you work with people you love. We are grateful to come together and creating lasting memories like these. 

    As a 100% employee owned practice, taking time to build culture and meet our fellow owners is important to us. We all  work together as a team not only to create positive experiences for patients and serve our community, but to build our practice! 

    A special thank you to the amazing Toledo local photographer Kurt Nielson for taking the time to come out and capture the friendship behind Changing Lives, Majestic Oak Winery for allowing our practice to take over your beautiful grounds, and Lulu Fare for amazing snacks and sweets. 

    Always Better. Serve All. Gratitude. Encouragement. Trust. Owner Mindset!

    Frankel Dentistry and Frankel and Puhl Dentistry- Majestic Oak 2022

  1. Mary Jurski has been part of Frankel Dentistry for over 10 years. She is a recent Core Values winner. It is well earned she is a restorative team leader, Registered Dental Hygienist, Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary, and over-all go-to gal at our Maumee location.

    This week Dr. Puhl is on vacation. Mary with no hesitation called the Toledo location and asked if they could use some help! There is something about Mary. She embodies owner-mindset. The Toledo location is thrilled to have her even if it is for just one week.

    Mary Jurski, RDH, EFDA

    Like to know Mary better? Check out her fast five question responses.

    Why did you choose your career?

    While in high school I knew I wanted something in the health field. Once I was introduced to dentistry I knew it was my passion.

    Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?

    I adore arts & crafts. My oldest is graduating from high school this year and my youngest is a freshman. I am really going to miss the school projects. According to my family I am a interior and exterior house painter extraordinaire. It just puts me in the zone!

    Dream vacation?

    It is always a cruise. It is only way to contain me! My favorite so far has been the Bahamas.

    Favorite leisure activity?

    I love motorcycle riding with my husband. Summer weekends you’ll find Mary with her hubby on the back of his Harley.

    What is the one thing you can’t live without?

    Don’t touch my dark chocolate!

  1. Did you know 69% of American adults are missing at least one tooth? Losing an adult tooth can be devastating, not only does it affect your mental health but your physical health as well. Missing teeth can lead to gum disease, bone loss, and more missing teeth. 

    Looking for a solution?

    Dental implants and implant supported dentures are the best and most permanent way to replace missing teeth. Frankel Dentistry offers partial and full dentures, placed with a titanium root which can be just as strong as your original teeth. This helps prevent bone loss and build confidence in your smile.

    The beauty of implant supported dentures at Frankel Dentistry, is the procedure is done in house. We take a 3D scan that allows us to place the implant virtually, in the perfect spot. Once the dental image of the implant is created we can create a guide. The guide allows the implant supported dentures to be quickly and precisely placed.

    Within three to four months, the implant or implants will fuse to the bone, and the implant crown, tooth, or dentures can be placed.

    Don’t believe us? Meet Alan.

    Alan is a kind, friendly Toledo native who loves family, conversation, and Cafe Donuts. We sat down with Alan, listened to his concerns, weighed out his options and the final result? A beautiful, brand new smile.

    Alan shares how appearances have such an impact on your well-being. While he is still the same kind soul he was before his smile makeover, he finds himself easily accepted by new friends, presented with new opportunities and confidence in his smile. Find your smile again at Frankel Dentistry.
  1. Core Values Winner and Billboard Star!

    Looking who is gracing our Toledo location! She is usually at our Maumee location but today she is ours. Hillary is a dental hygienist, expanded function dental auxiliary powerhouse. Her cross fit videos of dead weight lifts are flat out amazing! Fortunately for us, her dental skills are even more impressive.

    Ten Years!

    Hillary has been with Frankel Dentistry for 10 years. She is a Core Values Award winner. Her work ethic is incredible. She is innately talented while driven to excel. Patients and staff alike love Hillary. We know are all better because Hillary is in our lives.

    Meet Hillary at Frankel Dentistry.

    Enjoy the nest dental experience. Meet more dental professionals like Hillary.

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Are you interested in signing up as a new patient?
If so, please follow the link to our new patient form,
and bring it with you on your first visit.New Patient Form